Artist: Quicksand
Album-Title: Economic Poetry
Single-Title: Ding Dong Day
Albumrelase: 28th of january 2011
Singlerelaese: 17th of december 2010
Format: CD und Online
Label: Phazz-A-Delic
LC: 13500
01. Albert on the bike
02. Mayday-Payday
03. Little Something
04. Bad thing Good
05. Quicksand
06. When Emily came
07. Be Somewhere
08. Ding Dong Day
09. Economic Poetry
10. Love Antique
11. Say Good-bye to Cinderella
12. Cinderella she was
Quicksand Online
For more informations or interview requests, please contact:
Single- and Album-Promotion 2011
Press, radio, TV, online by idee deluxe